The 2016 MARTHA youth sailing season is in full swing.

This Spring we started with the Caitlin Gable school from Portland and have moved directly to the Port Townsend Sailing Association’s Whitecap Race Series with the Port Townsend School system OCEAN Class.  Friday, April 15, was some fine light-air sailing where the crew worked on reading tell-tales and setting the spinnaker.

getting ready to get under way
getting ready to get under way

After the spring programs we move into the Summer “out of school” programs that will take Youth on 5 and 14 day trips through the SanJuan, Canadian Gulf Islands and Desolation Sound.

The 5 day trips are are structured around a voyaging theme that include Seamanship, Navigation, Sail Handling , Hiking ashore and Adventure, the 14 day trip is a premium adventure including the above mentioned skills and  featuring the Captain Reynoud International Schooner Race, “CRISR”.\

young folks at the helm
young folks at the helm



CRISR takes MARTHA and her crew into Canada for a week of Racing and then a week of Voyaging into some of the most beautiful sailing areas of the world, Desolation Sound.

The MARTHA youth educational sailing program introduces teens to life aboard a classic schooner while sailing the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

On programs ranging from five-day trips to 14-day voyages, students become full participants in sailing  MARTHA: steering the vessel, raising the sails, standing watch and learning navigation.

Schooner Power
Schooner Power

Participants are not passengers but are instead crew aboard our 68-foot wooden schooner.  Built in 1907, MARTHA has taught countless students teamwork, leadership, stewardship, and traditional seamanship. Participants learn under the guidance of a seasoned crew and Coast Guard licensed Captain.

Though traditional in operation and construction, MARTHA carries modern navigation and safety equipment.

To find your next adventure contact the Schooner Martha Foundation

tel: 206- 310- 8573       www.schoonermartha.org